
Another surprise in 2016


2016 has been a fascinating year for my husband and me. A lot of great things happened and surprised us. First, Alfons and I decided to have a relationship in the beginning of the year. He came to Indonesia to visit me and my family and I did the same thing later and went to visit him in the Netherlands to meet him and his family. While I was there, he surprised me with a trip to Prague and proposed to me there! In November we got married in Jakarta and after that we enjoyed our honeymoon in the Maldives. It was such an amazing year for us. But it didn’t stop there yet, because near the end of the year we got one more surprise. The story is like this:

Two weeks after our honeymoon, Alfons had to go back to his country the Netherlands, to take care of all the administration things for my living permit there. Meanwhile I stayed in Bali waiting for him to visit me again. I really wanted to go there with him, but the procedure didn’t allow me to leave my country yet until I would get my living permit.

Having a long distance marriage was pretty tough for me, especially after we just got married then. Knowing that I could only see his face and hear his voice through Skype made me feel really sad. But that’s life and sometimes you have no choice. I am happy with my life now though.

When my husband and I first got to know each other, we both agreed that we want to have a family some day. We wanted to get married and have children. We didn’t want to wait to have our first child until I would move to his country, so we just let everything flow. Our last shot was during our honeymoon and if we couldn’t make it then, we had to wait and try again when he would come back to Bali. So, let’s see.

I should have had my period in the beginning of December, but it was already two days late. Using the calendar calculation works for me, because I get my period regularly. So I could calculate when I should get my period and started wondering if I was getting pregnant or not. I bought a Sensitif Pregnancy Test kit to prove it, but the result was negative. I felt a bit disappointed, but I could still manage it.

Three days later I still didn’t get my period yet, so I did the test again and I saw 2 lines on the kit. Yes! I am pregnant. I was really happy and couldn’t wait to tell my husband about it. I still had to wait though because we had a seven hour time difference between the Netherlands and Bali. I can still remember his face when I told him the news! That day was ‘Sinterklaas dag’ in the Netherlands and this news was the best gift ever for us. It was another surprise in the end of 2016.

PS: After a couple of months of my pregnancy, we found out that our jolly little one is a baby BOY!

Gender reveal

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